Monday 24 October 2011

Practical considerations

Cooking for me is a very practical thing. I go on what I have available, and use what needs using. If it takes too long  or looks too complicated or uses to many dishes its very unlikely I will bother.
This sunday I had a time limitation as I was going out in the evening.. I wanted to use the limited time I had as productively as possible. so I had to make something that I could also have for lunch the next day and also be able to bake some muslie at the same time. So coordinating the timing was crucial to get it all done in time.
I had the muesli, curry and rice to do. It was important to pre-empt the coming steps and what would take the longest. for example I started by turning on the oven as the muesli would take the longest and the oven would take a while to heat up, while it was heating up I could start on the curry. in the curry the kumara would take the longest to cook so that had to go on first but before that i had to do the onions. and then progressivley chop and add the vegetables that would ttake the longest to cook. in the end I got it all done and was able to rush out the door just in time but I was constantly thinking ahead and planning. I think the ability to map out what I am going to do in what order before i begin in very important for me to be able to cook. 

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